The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet Solution : MP Board 12th English Text Book Flamingo Prose Section the Chapter “The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet, Complete Solution Provided in this Article with complete explaination in Hindi useful for students for their Examination.

MP Board 12th English Text Book Flamingo The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet Solution
The Last Lesson Question Answer
- What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Franz was expected to be prepared with participles for school that day.
फ्रांज़ को उस दिन स्कूल के लिए पार्टिसिपल्स के साथ तैयार रहने की उम्मीद थी। - What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
Franz noticed that the school was unusually quiet and solemn.
फ्रांज़ ने देखा कि स्कूल असामान्य रूप से शांत और गंभीर था। - What had been put up on the bulletin-board?
A notice had been put up on the bulletin-board saying only German would be taught in Alsace and Lorraine schools.
बुलेटिन बोर्ड पर एक सूचना लगाई गई थी कि एल्सास और लोरेन के स्कूलों में केवल जर्मन पढ़ाई जाएगी। - What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?
The order from Berlin caused the last French lesson to be taught, and from then on, only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The atmosphere in the school became unusually quiet and solemn, and villagers attended the class to show respect for M. Hamel.
बर्लिन के आदेश ने उस दिन आखिरी फ्रेंच पाठ पढ़ाया, और इसके बाद एल्सास और लोरेन के स्कूलों में केवल जर्मन पढ़ाई जानी थी। स्कूल का माहौल असामान्य रूप से शांत और गंभीर हो गया, और ग्रामवासी एम. हैमेल के प्रति सम्मान दिखाने के लिए कक्षा में आए। - How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change?
Franz initially dreaded school and M. Hamel, but upon learning it was the last French lesson, Franz felt regretful for not paying attention in class and developed a deep respect and affection for M. Hamel, recognizing his dedication and the importance of learning French.
फ्रांज़ को शुरू में स्कूल और एम. हैमेल से डर लगता था, लेकिन जब उसे पता चला कि यह आखिरी फ्रेंच पाठ था, तो फ्रांज़ को कक्षा में ध्यान न देने का पछतावा हुआ और उसने एम. हैमेल के प्रति गहरा सम्मान और स्नेह विकसित किया, उनके समर्पण और फ्रेंच सीखने के महत्व को पहचानते हुए।
Additional Important Questions and Answers:
- Why were the villagers sitting in the back of the classroom?
o The villagers were sitting in the back of the classroom to show their respect for M. Hamel and to express their regret for not attending school more when they were younger. They wanted to honor M. Hamel’s forty years of faithful service and show their respect for their country.
o ग्रामीण कक्षा के पीछे बैठे थे ताकि एम. हैमेल के प्रति अपना सम्मान दिखा सकें और यह व्यक्त कर सकें कि जब वे छोटे थे, तब स्कूल न जाने का उन्हें पछतावा था। वे एम. हैमेल के चालीस वर्षों की वफादार सेवा का सम्मान करना चाहते थे और अपने देश के प्रति अपना सम्मान दिखाना चाहते थे। - What did M. Hamel say about the French language?
o M. Hamel said that the French language was the most beautiful language in the world, the clearest, and the most logical. He emphasized the importance of holding onto their language and not forgetting it, as it was key to their identity and freedom.
o एम. हैमेल ने कहा कि फ्रेंच भाषा दुनिया की सबसे सुंदर भाषा है, सबसे स्पष्ट और सबसे तार्किक। उन्होंने अपनी भाषा को बनाए रखने और इसे न भूलने के महत्व पर जोर दिया, क्योंकि यह उनकी पहचान और स्वतंत्रता की कुंजी थी। - How did the children and M. Hamel react to the last French lesson?
o The children and M. Hamel were emotional and attentive during the last French lesson. M. Hamel was patient and dedicated, and the children tried their best to learn and understand, feeling the weight of the moment.
o बच्चे और एम. हैमेल आखिरी फ्रेंच सबक के दौरान भावुक और ध्यानपूर्ण थे। एम. हैमेल धैर्यवान और समर्पित थे, और बच्चों ने सीखने और समझने की पूरी कोशिश की, उस पल का भार महसूस करते हुए। - What changes did the Prussians impose on the schools of Alsace and Lorraine?
o The Prussians imposed that only German would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine, effectively banning the teaching of French and replacing it with German.
o प्रुशियन ने एल्सास और लोरेन के स्कूलों में केवल जर्मन पढ़ाई जाने का आदेश दिया, जिससे फ्रेंच पढ़ाई पर प्रतिबंध लग गया और इसे जर्मन से बदल दिया गया। - Why did Franz feel sorry for not paying attention in his French lessons?
o Franz felt sorry for not paying attention in his French lessons because he realized the importance of the language and regretted the missed opportunities to learn it better, especially since it was their last French lesson.
o फ्रांज़ को अपने फ्रेंच पाठों में ध्यान न देने का पछतावा हुआ क्योंकि उसने भाषा के महत्व को समझा और इसे बेहतर सीखने के खोए हुए अवसरों का पछतावा किया, खासकर जब यह उनका आखिरी फ्रेंच पाठ था।
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from “The Last Lesson”
- Who is the author of “The Last Lesson”?
o a) Guy de Maupassant
o b) Alphonse Daudet
o c) Victor Hugo
o d) Leo Tolstoy
o Answer: b) Alphonse Daudet - In which war is “The Last Lesson” set?
o a) World War I
o b) World War II
o c) Franco-Prussian War
o d) Napoleonic Wars
o Answer: c) Franco-Prussian War - What language is to be taught in schools of Alsace and Lorraine after the order from Berlin?
o a) French
o b) German
o c) English
o d) Spanish
o Answer: b) German - What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
o a) Conjugations
o b) Past participles
o c) Present tense
o d) Future tense
o Answer: b) Past participles - Why was there a crowd in front of the bulletin-board?
o a) To see the latest war victories
o b) To read the latest news and orders
o c) To register for school
o d) To protest against the school
o Answer: b) To read the latest news and orders - Who called out to Franz, telling him not to go so fast?
o a) M. Hamel
o b) Wachter, the blacksmith
o c) The postmaster
o d) Old Hauser
o Answer: b) Wachter, the blacksmith - What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?
o a) The school was closed
o b) There were no students
o c) The school was unusually quiet and solemn
o d) There were many new teachers
o Answer: c) The school was unusually quiet and solemn - Who was sitting on the back benches, which were usually empty?
o a) The mayor and council members
o b) The village people, including old Hauser, the former mayor, and the former postmaster
o c) Parents of the students
o d) Visiting teachers from Berlin
o Answer: b) The village people, including old Hauser, the former mayor, and the former postmaster - Why did M. Hamel wear his best clothes that day?
o a) It was a special school event
o b) It was the last French lesson he would teach
o c) He received an award
o d) It was his birthday
o Answer: b) It was the last French lesson he would teach - How did Franz feel about M. Hamel and school after learning it was the last French lesson?
o a) Happy and excited
o b) Indifferent
o c) Regretful and respectful
o d) Angry and rebellious
o Answer: c) Regretful and respectful - What was M. Hamel’s reaction when Franz entered the classroom late?
o a) He scolded Franz harshly
o b) He ignored Franz
o c) He kindly told Franz to take his place
o d) He sent Franz home
o Answer: c) He kindly told Franz to take his place - What did M. Hamel say about the French language?
o a) It was the most difficult language
o b) It was the most beautiful, clear, and logical language
o c) It was not important to learn
o d) It was similar to German
o Answer: b) It was the most beautiful, clear, and logical language - What did Franz feel sorry for after realizing it was the last French lesson?
o a) Not learning participles
o b) Not paying attention in class
o c) Not spending more time with friends
o d) Not finishing his homework
o Answer: b) Not paying attention in class - What did M. Hamel emphasize about language and identity?
o a) Language is just a means of communication
o b) Language is not important for identity
o c) Language is key to one’s identity and freedom
o d) Language changes over time
o Answer: c) Language is key to one’s identity and freedom - Why were the old men of the village attending the last lesson?
o a) To take part in the lesson
o b) To show respect for M. Hamel and express regret for not attending school more
o c) To protest against the new order
o d) To celebrate the end of the school term
o Answer: b) To show respect for M. Hamel and express regret for not attending school more - What did Franz realize about his books after learning it was the last French lesson?
o a) They were a burden
o b) They were old friends he could not give up
o c) They were useless
o d) They were too difficult
o Answer: b) They were old friends he could not give up - What did M. Hamel say would happen the next day?
o a) The school would be closed
o b) A new master would come to teach German
o c) The students would have a holiday
o d) The school would be inspected
o Answer: b) A new master would come to teach German - How did the village people feel about the last lesson?
o a) Indifferent
o b) Happy
o c) Sad and regretful
o d) Angry
o Answer: c) Sad and regretful
Additional Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers from “The Last Lesson” - Why was Franz afraid to go to school that day?
o a) He had not done his homework
o b) He was late and feared punishment
o c) He did not know the lesson on participles
o d) He was afraid of the new teacher
o Answer: c) He did not know the lesson on participles - Who did Franz see reading the bulletin at the town hall?
o a) M. Hamel
o b) Wachter, the blacksmith
o c) The mayor
o d) The village priest
o Answer: b) Wachter, the blacksmith - What did Franz expect when he entered the classroom late?
o a) To be scolded by M. Hamel
o b) To be praised for his efforts
o c) To be sent home
o d) To receive a reward
o Answer: a) To be scolded by M. Hamel - What did M. Hamel say was the reason for the last lesson in French?
o a) He was retiring
o b) He was going on a long vacation
o c) The order from Berlin to teach only German
o d) The school was closing
o Answer: c) The order from Berlin to teach only German - How did Franz feel when M. Hamel announced it was the last French lesson?
o a) Relieved
o b) Shocked and regretful
o c) Indifferent
o d) Angry
o Answer: b) Shocked and regretful - What did M. Hamel ask the students to do during the last lesson?
o a) To be very attentive
o b) To sing the national anthem
o c) To write a letter to the new teacher
o d) To leave the classroom quietly
o Answer: a) To be very attentive - What did Franz realize about his books after learning it was the last French lesson?
o a) They were boring
o b) They were his old friends he could not give up
o c) They were useless
o d) They were too difficult
o Answer: b) They were his old friends he could not give up - What was M. Hamel’s reaction when Franz stumbled over the participle rule?
o a) He scolded Franz harshly
o b) He patiently helped Franz
o c) He ignored Franz
o d) He laughed at Franz
o Answer: b) He patiently helped Franz - What lesson did M. Hamel emphasize about language and culture?
o a) Language is just a tool for communication
o b) Language is important for preserving culture and identity
o c) Language is not important
o d) Language is the same everywhere
o Answer: b) Language is important for preserving culture and identity - How did the villagers show their respect for M. Hamel?
o a) By giving him gifts
o b) By sitting quietly in the classroom
o c) By throwing a party
o d) By writing letters of appreciation
o Answer: b) By sitting quietly in the classroom - What did M. Hamel do at the end of the last lesson?
o a) He dismissed the class early
o b) He wrote “Vive La France” on the blackboard
o c) He gave the students homework
o d) He announced a holiday
o Answer: b) He wrote “Vive La France” on the blackboard - How long had M. Hamel been teaching in the village?
o a) 20 years
o b) 30 years
o c) 40 years
o d) 50 years
o Answer: c) 40 years - What did Franz realize about the significance of the last lesson?
o a) It was just another day
o b) It marked the end of an era
o c) It was not important
o d) It was a temporary change
o Answer: b) It marked the end of an era - What emotion did Franz feel when he saw the villagers in the classroom?
o a) Joy
o b) Confusion
o c) Respect and solemnity
o d) Indifference
o Answer: c) Respect and solemnity - What was the main message M. Hamel conveyed in his last lesson?
o a) The importance of education and preserving their language
o b) The need to learn German quickly
o c) The benefits of a multicultural society
o d) The history of Alsace and Lorraine
o Answer: a) The importance of education and preserving their language