MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf helps students understand the weightage of marks for key subjects guiding them on how to study for monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual exams. Additionally it includes project work for each subject as per the academic calendar. This document provides students with information on marks and projects for the 2023-24 academic session.

MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download Links
To download MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf for the 2024-25 academic year, visit the MP Board’s official website or search for the specific blueprints through educational resources provided by the board. Here is a general guide on how to download them:
- Visit the Official MP Board Website: Go to the official MP Board website where they have provided links for all the blueprints.
- Select Your Class and Stream: Navigate to the section for your respective class (9th, 10th, 11th or 12th) and stream.
- Download the PDF: Click on the appropriate links to download the PDF blueprints for each subject.
- Alternate to Download the Pdf: We are providing this fasility to Download Different educational materials like Syllabus, Blueprint and other documents which is easier to us from our website MPBoardPdf.
MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download
The MP Board has released the blueprints for classes 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th for the academic year 2023-24 in Hindi medium which are extremely useful for students. With the help of these blueprints all students can simplify their studies. The entire series includes all subjects with different available links.
Subjects for Classes 9th and 10th:
- हिन्दी Hindi
- अंग्रेजी English
- संस्कृत Sanskrut
- उर्दू Urdu
- मराठी Marathi
- पंजाबी Panjabi
- गुजराती Gujrati
- सिन्धी Sindhi
- गणित Mathematics
- विज्ञान Science
- सामाजिक विज्ञान Social Science
- भारतीय संगीत (गायन,वादन)
- भारतीय संगीत (तबला एवं पखवाज)
- कंप्युटर Computer
- आर्टफिशल इन्टेलिजन्स Artificial Intelligence
In addition, blueprints for other vocational subjects are also available. These blueprints are available for the entire session and for the annual exams.
Streams for Class 11th and 12th MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf :
MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf for class 11th and 12th cover all streams with different links available for each. At the higher secondary level students start specializing in streams. The main streams at this level are:
- Mathematics Stream
- Biology Stream
- Agriculture Stream
- Commerce Stream
- Arts Stream
- Home Science Stream
- Other Vocational Courses
Each stream has a separate syllabus available for the entire session. This includes monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual exam syllabi as well as the complete syllabus for current project processes. The syllabus is also aligned with the new perspectives of the 21st century, NCF 2005 and NEP 2020. The new creativity content named CCLE is also included.
Subjects for Class 11th and 12th
- हिन्दी Hindi
- अंग्रेजी English
- संस्कृत Sanskrut
- उर्दू Urdu
- मराठी Marathi
- भौतिक Physics
- रसायन Chemistry
- गणित Mathematics
- जीव विज्ञान Biology
- कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्व
- फसल उत्पादन
- पशुपालन
- बहीखाता Accountancy
- व्यावसायिक अध्ययन Business Study
- अर्थशास्त्र Economics
- इन्फॉर्मैटिक्स प्रैक्टिस
- इतिहास History
- राजनीति विज्ञान Political Science
- समाज शास्त्र Sociology
- मनोविज्ञान Psychology
- भूगोल Geography
- कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्त्व
- कृषि Agriculture (कला समूह )
- गृह विज्ञान, एनाटोमी (कला समूह )
- भारतीय और विश्व कला का इतिहास
- ड्रॉइंग एण्ड पेंटिंग
- still लाइफ एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग
- ड्रॉइंग एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग
- भारतीय संगीत (गायन वादन )
- भारतीय संगीत (तबला पखावज)
- फिज़िकल एजुकेशन
Importance of MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf
MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf helps students understand the specific exam pattern. MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf shows them how questions might be asked and which parts are more important. This helps students make a good study plan and focus on their preparation.
With a blueprint students can understand the key and most important topics in each part of the subject that might be asked in the exam. This helps them know which subjects to focus more on and which topics to give special attention to.
The blueprint gives students a chance to self-evaluate which increases their independence and confidence. By using it correctly students can achieve their goals and perform excellently in exams.
10class English medium blue print
If you are studying in MP BOARD, Blueprints are same
Class 11mathematics blueprint